Amethyst Candle Holder
Amethyst Lamp w/ wood base
Amethyst Ageodade Spheres (EXTRA)
Amethyst Ageodade Spheres (A)
Amethyst Ring with metal base
Amethyst Ring with metal/wood base
Amethyst Druze with black wood base
Amethyst Geode Polished (Head)
Amethyst Druzes (Pearl) w/wood base
Amethyst Druzes (Rainbow) w/wood base
Amethyst Lamp w/wood base
Amethyst Lamp w/Wood base
Amethyst Cathedral Cuted and polished (Q12)
Amethyst Ageodade Spheres (B)
Amethyst Candle Holder (Q8)
Amethyst Candle Holder (Q7)
Amethyst Candle Holder (Q6)
Amethyst Candle Holder (Q4)
Amethyst Cathedral Cuted and polished (Q10)
Amethyst Druze w/Metal Base (Q10)
Amethyst Druze w/Metal Base (Q9)
Amethyst Druze w/Metal Base (Q8)
Amethyst Druze w/Cement Base (Q7)
Amethyst Clock (Q10)
Amethyst Druze all polished w/Wood Base (Q12)
Amethyst Druze all polished w/Wood Base (Q10)
Amethyst Druze w/Metal Base (Q7)
Metalized Cut Base Amethyst Cathedral (Q11)
Amethyst Cathedral cut base (Q10)
Amethyst Cathedral cut base (Q9)
Amethyst Cathedral cut base (Q8)
Amethyst Cathedral cut base (Q7)
Amethyst Cathedral cut base (Q6)
Amethyst Cathedral cut base (Q4)
Metalized Amethyst Druze w/Wood Base (Q13)
All Polished Amethyst Cathedral (Q12)
Amethyst Angels
Metalized Amethyst Druze (Q13)
Amethyst Candle Holder (Q3)
Metalized Amethyst Cathedral (Q11)
Amethyst Cathedral Cuted and polished (Q9)
Amethyst Cilynder
Amethyst Druse with cut base (Q8)
Amethyst Druse with cut base (Q7)
Amethyst Druse with cut base (Q6)
Amethyst Druse with cut base (Q4)
Amethyst Druse with cut base (Q2)
Amethyst Bokkends Q8
Amethyst Bookends Q7
Amethyst Bookends Q6
Amethyst Cathedral Cuted and polished (Q8)
Amethyst Cathedral Cuted and polished (Q7)
Amethyst Cathedral Cuted and polished (Q6)
Amethyst Cathedral Cuted and polished (Q4)
Amethyst Cathedral Cuted and polished (Q3)
Amethyst Cathedral Cuted and polished